How to Start Your Mornings Right: A Woman's Guide to a Productive Day connection emotional intelligence gratitude morning routine productive start your day women

As a woman, starting your day off on the right foot can make all the difference in how productive and successful you are throughout the day. It can be challenging to wake up and immediately be...

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How to surrender to your subconscious? boundaries connection emotional intelligence emotions mental health self confidence self esteem

What is your subconscious? 

From a basic understanding, its two ways that you take information. Conscious and Subconscious. 

Conscious = mind 

Subconscious = body 

Conscious is...

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Is crying a weakness? 😢 connection emotional intelligence emotions vulnerbility

We all know to show our emotions but are we open to talking about them... 

As a child we were taught the basic emotions of happy and sad. That we shouldn't feel sad we should always feel happy...

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